Royalty Recovery Program™

On average, 45% of an artist’s catalog has incorrect or improperly registered metadata.

Learn how Leftbrain can help you recover unpaid royalties.

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As a result, music creators forfeit hundreds of millions of dollars every year in unpaid royalties.

Leftbrain’s Royalty Recovery Program gets to the source of royalty problems —inaccurate metadata — and corrects the errors, resulting in royalty payments.

Our no-risk approach assesses 30 percent fees only on found money.

“My team at Leftbrain taught me about metadata and the real possibility of finding missing royalties in my existing catalog.

I had them perform a metadata audit to see what they could find. It was a good decision. They found a lot.”

— Doja Cat


Royalties recovered
for Yeti Beats


Royalties recovered
for Doja Cat


Royalties recovered
for Ookay

Royalties recovered to date



Learn how Leftbrain can help you recover unpaid royalties. Reach out for a free consultation with our royalty experts.

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